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Report Card
Strong Protections0
Weak Protections12
Missing ProtectionsOverall, Indiana ranks 40th out of 51 states and districts in the United States, in terms of consumer protection towing practices.
Predatory towing is a nationwide issue, where profit-seeking property owners and towing companies tow cars without the owner's consent. Protections are crucial to prevent individuals from being taken advantage of. We've identified key safeguards and evaluated their implementation in Indiana. Based on our criteria, Indiana receives a grade of D-.
If you believe that you have been towed illegaly contact a local attorney or your attorney general. To sum up all the laws that we have reviewed check out our overview. If you are intersted to read more go to the Indiana legislatures laws on towing Towing and Impounding of Vehicles . See what steps to take when you have been towed.

Be sure to contact a local attorney or your attorney general if you beleive that you have been a victim of illegal towing. If you are confused on what these protections mean, look at our explanations to help yourself out. If you are intersted to read more go to the Indiana legislatures laws on towing Towing and Impounding of Vehicles . See what steps to take when you have been towed.